(325) 669-2790
Hours: Tue. Thurs. and Fri. 10am-6pm Wed. 10am-4pm, Sat 8am-NoonBoost the Value of Your Sewing Machine
Reliable sewing machine service in Abilene, TX
Keep your sewing machine working great for years to come. Star D LLC offers expert sewing machine services for clients in Abilene, TX and all over the state.
Does your machine need a little fixing up? Call 325-669-2790 today to make a sewing machine service appointment at Star D.
Check out our pricing menu
Star D offers a wide variety of sewing machine services in Abilene, TX. Here is a breakdown of our pricing:
- Sharpening 3- to 4-inch scissors: $3 each
- Sharpening 4- to 6-inch scissors: $5 each
- Sharpening 6- to 8-inch scissors: $8 each
- Sewing machine cleaning: $89.95 plus tax with a $35.00 deposit due when machine is dropped off. Deposit does roll into your total cost if services are completed.
The prices above are for standard sewing machines. We can provide services and cleanings on sergers and embroidery machines for a flat fee of $145, since the machines are much more complicated. Any other services outside of cleaning is an additional $39.95 per hour plus parts if needed.
Call 325-669-2790 today to learn more about the sewing machine services we offer in Abilene, Texas.